
Tuesday, December 29, 2009


It's the last week of 2009! And while everybody else is talking resolutions and new trends, we want you to check a few of these links out:

Interior Design is counting back their top 10 articles of the year. From the House of Barbie in Shanghai to the modern day Blade Runner-esque city of Kuala Lumpur, check out all these great articles.

The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art opened a new academic building in downtown Manhattan. Designed by Morphosis, the project replaces the existing Hewitt Academic Building and it incorporates many of the demolished building materials, green-friendly and green-inspired. Inhabitat has a great photo tour of the building.

The Ball Nogues Studio, in collaboration with American Apparel, has a new installation in for the 2009 Shenzhen Hong Kong Biennale of Urbanism. The structure is comprised of 10,000 items of clothing manufactured by American Apparel – operator of the largest garment factory in the United States. Each garment serves the dual role of a building component and individual article of clothing. Now, here's the really cool part. The installation will be dismantled and the various shirts, tank tops, dresses, bikinis and g-strings comprising it will be dispersed to visitors. Definitely check it out!

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