The art of present wrapping is the single most important craft you might learn in your life time. It's quite an accomplishment, for sure, as it tests the limitations of your patience and your desire to express how much you really love that special someone.
Of course, this is why there are people in the mall who do it.
But there's definitely something to present wrapping, and the most perfectly wrapped gift - that's the gift that you wake up on Christmas morning, walk down the stairs, and stare at it with growing anticipation. It's the present that you shift from foot to foot, that makes you start to pace (much to the dismay of the rest of your family, who worry whether or not it's a good idea to give you coffee); without a doubt, that's the present that your present wrapper, your Santa's elf, spent what felt like an eternity wrapping the night before.
Listen, nothing comes easy. You have to deal with an army of paper cuts, tape dispensers that disappear in fear or run out because they just can't hack it. A personal favorite is the long, long journey through out the house to look for a pair of scissors that your own mother swears exists, but it turns out they don't and you have to make an emergency drugstore run.
We do this because we love our family.
We do this because we love them very, very much.
So then the question is simply this: what do you do with a present, say well, you know, a suitcase and make it something spectacular?
Easy. You get creative.
The greats of the present wrappers, a small and foreign community, will often stare a suitcase with weariness and anxiety - especially when said suitcase does not come with a box. So they too will be surprised when we say that we accomplished this feat, this incredible feat of making a suitcase nothing less than amazing, with little paper to spare ... and two bags of two hundred small bows.
So we here at PHI Design would not only like to wish you and yours a happy, happy holiday, but would also like to extend several gold stars to those of you a part of the present wrapping community. Without a doubt, we salute you.

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