We have a new site, new location - come check us out!
Today is Photo Show day, Photo Show day, Photo Show day! We're thrilled and excited for tonight, for our photographers, and for you to see all the amazing work that's gone into this. So we're putting in the finishing touches with - psst, follow us on Twitter if you want a peek. But we can't wait to see you tonight!
How great is this? Nilda is the featured Style Crush over at New Brahmin. Read all about her fantastic beauty secrets, personal style, and what it means to be Latina Chic. *g* (Photo credit, Boldfacers)
This week, in the lives of all of us at PHI, it's finishing prep for our very first photo show which, if anything, we're all incredibly thrilled for. Michelle had a little adventure on Thursday, getting her work organized with Mark, and as you can see the PHI mobile is nothing short of a fabulous model for a sneak peek of the results. There's so much to do today - last minute prep work, a few meetings, setting up for the event tomorrow, a getaway shopping trip to H&M - I kid. You're going to see all of in the South End, for sure.
We're really excited and looking forward to seeing everybody there. We have such a strong and diverse group of photographers that we're so thrilled to be able to share with you - and we're all very proud to host this show and without doubt, looking forward to the next quarter for our next one. So remember, there's still time to RSVP for tomorrow night here if you're interested in coming. And follow us on Twitter, while you're at it, today's going to be a fun day to chronicle.
A happy Friday and a happy Father's Day weekend to all the dads. This Friday Favorites' entry is going to start off with such an easy favorite - one for both Nilda and myself. Zoe Joan Sweeney. A huge congratulations to her for graduating today from sixth grade, being a brilliant and amazing girl, and for getting ready to start the next phase of her life. Nilda, in her own words, would like to say:
"My friday favorite is easy this week... Zoe Joan Sweeney. A huge congratulations to the most beautiful girl in the world. So proud of her accomplishments. She has made motherhood fun, exciting and culturally relevant. Everything is a teaching moment, even Rihanna + Chris Brown."This photo was shot by the amazing Cheryl Richards, whose work can be seen here.Other favorites?DAUCUS CAROTA. Graphic design guru Jess Sutton is one of our favorite girls (and favorite go-to-girl!) and her blog is full of wonderful, gorgeous inspirations that you can't help but check in on every day. It's a delightful experience and if there's anything that I love, it's beautiful, beautiful pictures of lovely things!M.I.A. So we'll call this favorite, a favorite future curiosity. M.I.A. drops her third album Maya on July 13 and if you haven't already seen the controversial music video for her new song "Born Free" or read up on her battle with the New York Times and journalist Lynn Hirschberg (and that not-so-flattering article), you know this album is going to be nothing short of incredibly fascinating. And let's face it - she's never boring.DANCING IN VHS. This speaks for itself in more ways than one. Still have old VHS tapes? I'm pretty sure there's a Disney collection somewhere in my house, but such a cool pieces from Scianca - a dress made from VHS bands. Check it out.WORK OF ART. And this is going to be called the Work-In-Progress favorite. But if you haven't, you should turn into BRAVO's Work of Art because, if anything, it's a fascinating experiment in seeing if reality television and art are two worlds that are somehow compatible. So far? I'm being won over. This second episode features the likes of Jon Kessler, who I love, love, love. (Yes, I'll tell you again. LOVE.) I've definitely committed myself to blogging about it every week - so if you're watching it, let me know.THE MINISTRY OF DESIGN. The Club Hotel in Singapore is a very cool project by the design studio that looks like it got lost in Alice In Wonderland or in A Clockwork Orange. There's a lot of humor, a lot of play, despite the monochrome scheme. The pictures are wonderful.A WHOLE LOT OF LOVE for these vintage milk bottle caps. I know what you're thinking. You're going that small? Yes, yes I am. Design Sponge, another favorite of ours, has a really neat entry on how to take vintage milk bottle caps and turn them into magnets for your refrigerator. It's easy to think about things in really big pieces and sometimes small pieces, but a lot of the times, those cool details get lost in the bigger picture. So check this out!DESIGN FOR MANKIND. One of the telling signs of a great blog is when you're able to get such a wonderful mix of inspirations whether it's photography or art and a day-to-day peek into what it is that the blogger does. Design For Mankind is such a favorite of mine - it's clean, the photos are gorgeous, and the content is cool and pulls from really great aspects of design, and is always such a joy to read.LENS. In honor of our photo show on Tuesday, it's only appropriate to have a great photo blog. There's a lot of the New York Times that is easy to like and a lot of it not to like. But one of the great things that they do have going on for them is Lens, their photography blog where they feature a variety of photographers that are inspired and shoots all different walks of life. It's easy to spend a ton of time exploring!And speaking of favorites and photos -Our show. Tuesday, June 22nd. It's from 6:00-9:00pm at 1409 Washington Street, in the South End. Look for great work, great company, and fabulous food and rink. Let us know if you're coming here!